Kitchari Recipe

Kitchari Recipe

Serving: 2-3 meals


    • ½ cup organic whole green mung beans or yellow split mung
      • ½ cup organic basmati rice
        • Optional: 1 cup of your choice of 2-3 varieties of chopped vegetables (depending on your dosha type). Commonly used vegetables include: sweet potato, carrots, zucchini but can be substituted for any vegetable of your choice.
          • 2 tbs ghee or coconut oil
            • ½ tsp cumin seeds
            • 1 tsp cumin
            • 1 tsp coriander powder
              • ½ tsp turmeric
              • 1 pinch hing (Asafetida)
              • 1 bay leaf (optional)
              • ½ tsp mustard seeds (may add for vata and kapha dosha)
              • ½ tsp grated fresh organic ginger
              • Salt to taste
              • 1 tbs lemon juice (or to taste)
              • Few stems chopped cilantro leaves


                              In advance (if possible) :

                              • Mix Mung beans and organic basmati (white or brown) rice– wash well and soak overnight (or for 4 hours same day) in water
                                • If you are not able to soak prior, it is okay still to cook the meal, however note that you may need more water and longer cooking time on the stove.
                              Cooking Instructions:
                              • Rinse both mung beans and rice thoroughly in cold water
                              • Heat the ghee in a large deep cooking pot and add mustard seeds (if using). Wait till they start popping and then add cumin seeds. 
                              • When cumin starts sizzling, quickly add ginger, hing, bay leaf, turmeric, cumin powder and coriander powder. Mix well and do not allow to burn.
                              • Add the vegetables and stir well, let cook for 3-5 minutes
                              • Add the mung beans and rice to the pot
                              • Add 4 cups of water
                              • Cover with a lid, stir and watch periodically.

                              It will take approximately 35-45 minutes to be fully cooked. You may need to add more water mid-way to keep the consistency like a thick soup while cooking. Ensure lentil is fully softened and blended with rice. When ready to serve, remove from heat, add lemon juice, ½ tsp of ghee and some chopped cilantro leaves. Enjoy!


                              • If during cooking you need to add more water ONLY add hot water. Cold water will slow down the cooking of the beans.
                              • Only add lemon juice just before eating. It too slows the beans from cooking.

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